Sunday, September 28, 2008

Summer Roundup

Our new family (also known as the WORST PICTURE EVER TAKEN):

I know summer has been over for a week now, but I'm a little slow :) This summer has been great obviously. I probably spent too much time griping about the hassles of being pregnant, but it really wasn't so bad. I got to spend some much time with Finn doing some really fun things. We definitely made the most of every play opportunity. I got my healthy baby girl without too much waiting or impatience. I'm still shocked that she was a few days early! Speaking of--she's already 4 weeks old! I have to admit, I was unsure about adding another to our family, but she has just fit right into our lives like a missing puzzle piece. I don't know if it's just easier the second time around or what, but our lives haven't even been too disrupted. Besides staying in and watching a little extra TV, things are about the same. Which is to say that Finn is about the same. He is such an amazing guy! He still hasn't been negative about his sister at all. He's a great big brother.
Anyway, we have finally gotten through all the birthing, birthdays and bathing suits for the summer. I am really looking forward to the holidays with the kids. Halloween is one of my favorites! I imagine we will be having Thanksgiving at my house again, which I always like. And then there is Christmas! Finn is going to have so much fun this Christmas. I think he'll actually get it this year. I am also looking forward to the next year with Kinley. It's so cool to have a little baby again! It's so neat to watch them learn EVERYTHING.

1 comment:

  1. It really was a great summer. And one I am sure you guys will always remember. Once again congrats on your new addition, I am so glad it has been fairly easy. Hopefully when we do add to our family it will go as smoothly!


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