It's easy to forget to take care of yourself when you have young children running around that need constant attention. Now that we finally bought a bed for our oldest, who graduated from a crib, we can focus on redecorating our master bedroom as a special treat for mom and dad. However, I don't know when the next time we'll be able to redecorate our room, so I want to make the best of it now.
I looked online to get some ideas on doing some DIY decorations for it and while I was doing that, I ran across the site After I looked through it I showed it to my husband, who said we could use it to get new windows, which is on our list on home chores.
We're well on our way to completing the master bedroom makeover. I painted our headboard a nice color and bought a new comforter. Besides that purchase, I'm doing DIY for everything else. I'm also painting a few other things in the room, including the frame for a big mirror we have hanging on the wall. It's amazing what a few pans of paint can do to a room.

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