It's been a crazy time in my household. The kids have been sick, I've been picking up extra hours at work and Scott worked over 60 hours last week. Whew! Thank goodness for my Mother-In-Law!
Kiki had a fever last week and I thought she was all better--until I noticed the spots all over her mouth, hands and feet :( Looks like she has Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease! By the way she's been bouncing all over the place, it doesn't appear to be bothering her. However, we still have to stay away from others since she might be contagious. And the verdict is still out on whether or not Finn will wake up with a rash tomorrow.
So, what did I do? I
stole borrowed another
great idea from Smashed Peas & Carrots blog! (Really, if you haven't already, you have to go check them out!) It's a Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt game. I couldn't get
theirs to print, so I just made my own real quick in Word with clip art.
I put it on a clip board, grabbed a pen and took the kids out for a walk. We just checked things off as we saw them! I even made a list of more things I could add next time:
fire hydrant
different colors of flowers
specific bugs
street signs
for sale signs
Best yet, the kids were actually excited about doing it! Finn's been quite a downer since he got a fever last week, so I was thrilled he was actually enthusiastic about doing something!