Sunday, November 23, 2008

What a Week!

This week has been so full! Lots of ups and downs and new things! It was Scott's birthday on Friday. He is 28! It reminded me of the first birthday he had after we got together. We had started dating about a week before that, and he felt awkward telling me it was his birthday since we just started dating and he didn't want me to feel obligated to go buy him a gift or anything. I was so embarrassed that everyone knew except me! Anyway, I think he had a pretty good b-day this year.

Kinley started sleeping in her own room this week. We've had her in a bassinet next to the bed at night, but she is SUCH a noisy sleeper. I finally decided it was time. The best part is, I've only had to feed her once each night! She has gotten so much bigger just over the course of a week! She is holding her head up so well! I think she is nearly ready for her Bumbo chair! She loves to sit up on your lap now. Where did the time go with that one? How is she already getting so much more mature? Here she is having "tummy time."

Also, Scott got a really cute video of her laughing. She first did it for me on Monday, then he got her to do it some more:

Finally, the really big news this week is about Finn. He used his potty twice this weekend! I am so excited! My friend Becca let us borrow her potty doll, so we started by showing him how that works. Then we've basically just been letting him run around pantless through the house so that he can use his potty easily. I'm going to have to make a few less outings this week in order to keep him near his potty and really drive it home:


  1. YAY!!! That's so exciting he used the potty. And Kinley is getting so big. She's grown since thursday.

  2. Happy birthday Scott! That video he took was way too cute, what a great dad! And I can't believe Finn is already using his potty, that is so great! I bet it will be nice to get back down to one set of diapers again :)

  3. How stinking cute!!! She is getting so big! :)

    Way to go Finn! Potty time!


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